Forms & fees
Excellent Acupuncture, Affordable Price!
Our mission has always been to provide affordable acupuncture to our community. We know that acupuncture can work to help alleviate many of the different health issues that afflict us. We do not ask for any sort of income verification. We want you to come in often enough to really get better and stay better!
First Visit: $40
Return Visits: $40
Seniors, Students, Military: $35
Acupass (5-pack*):
5-pack $165 ($33 / visit)
Cancellation Fee: $20
(less than 24-hrs notice)
*Visits purchased as acupasses must be used within 12 months.
We accept cash, check,
Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover
Tucson Community Acupuncture provides high quality acupuncture treatment at affordable rates in a supportive community setting. We practice a style of acupuncture that mostly uses “distal” points in the hands, feet and head to treat problems anywhere in the body—meaning we will probably treat pain in your back by placing tiny needles in your hands. Research in the United States (as well as thousands of years of tradition in Asia) has shown that acupuncture is most effective when it is done frequently and regularly—once a week is usually the minimum required to make progress on any kind of health problem.
New patients are invited to download and complete the Intake forms prior to arriving at your appointment. You can bring them with you already completed upon your arrival.